School of 研究生 研究

Welcome to the School of 研究生 研究

澳门皇冠赌场平台提供生物学自然科学学科硕士学位, 化学, 和物理, and also in Clinical Psychology. 菲斯克还与其他机构建立了多种合作伙伴关系,将我们的硕士学员与他们感兴趣的领域的博士课程联系起来. 这些项目的例子包括菲斯克-范德比尔特大学物理学硕士到博士衔接项目, 化学, and Biology (在这里看到的).

We encourage interested students to contact:
Dean of the School of 研究生 研究: Dr. Bryan Kent Wallace

Request More Information! 



Of Our 研究生 研究 Programs

Dr. 布莱恩·L. 那里提取, 博士学位

Director of 研究生 研究
School of Biology
化学 icon


Director of 研究生 研究
School of 化学

Dr. Arnold Burger, 博士学位

Director of 研究生 研究
School of Physics
Psychology icon

Dr. Sheila Peters, 博士学位

Director of 研究生 研究
School of Psychology

Dr. Tdka Kilimanjaro, 博士学位

Director of 研究生 研究
School of Social Justice

graduate studies 整体 timeline

Fall Semester 第一年


  • 必修课程,与研究生课程主任协商确定.
  • 参加研究生院专业技能和负责任的研究行为研讨会(每周一次), required- described in more detail below). 本课程的期末作业是一份电子海报展示,展示你在预期的研究导师的实验室所调查的整个研究领域,以及你将作为研究论文进行的可能的研究项目. 请注意,这项作业要求学生积极地寻找他们的研究导师.
  • Consideration of research mentor: In some programs, 学生进入研究生学习时,知道他们的研究导师将是谁. In other programs, 学生将被要求拜访并会见至少两个或更多的论文导师,这些导师将在入学的秋季接受新的研究生,以了解他们的工作, read their papers, and in discussions with the faculty member, 了解他们的研究项目是否符合学生的兴趣和喜欢的学习环境. If students are accepted with already-defined research supervisors/mentor, 学生的导师将负责向研究生介绍菲斯克和我们合作机构正在进行的其他学科工作.
  • 在这些项目中,学生在入学前会与导师/论文顾问配对, 学生将被要求在实验室中花费规定的最少时间来学习方法和阅读相关论文.
  • 硕士论文研究导师/导师须于秋季学期结束前申报.
  • 满足第二至五节所列的任何其他方案具体要求.


Spring Semester 第一年


  • 由学生和/或研究生导师确定的课程要求或选修课. 请记住,澳门皇冠赌场平台和范德比尔特大学的课程可供菲斯克学生注册.
  • In concert with Master’s thesis advisor, 大纲 a detailed research project and plan, and begin a literature summary of state of knowledge in this area, unanswered questions or gaps in understanding, and what aspects of this your research will address. 这个总结最终将成为硕士论文的文献综述部分和论文开题引言的支柱. 因此, in addition to honing scientific writing skills, this expectation has many positive outcomes for the student.
  • Create a thesis committee; summarize your proposed research in a short document. 与你的导师分享,并在他们的同意下,与你的论文委员会的其他成员分享. Schedule a Committee Meeting in the SPRING SEMESTER, 当然不能迟于夏季学期的前两周, and preferably early in the Spring semester of the first year.
  • 学业成绩低于要求的平均B (GPA为3)的学生.0) at the end of the Spring semester will be put on academic probation; the status of continued or interrupted funding during academic probation will be decided after consultation of the student’s research supervisor/mentor and the DGS for the program, with approval of their decision by the Dean for 研究生 研究.  在留校察看期间,学生将没有资格获得澳门皇冠赌场平台的学费减免.


夏天 Beginning of 第二年


  • This time is set aside for fulltime research. It is only applicable for the following programs: Master’s in Biology, Master’s in Physics, and the Vanderbilt Bridge Program.
  • Elective courses that are only available in the summer may be taken, 但必须得到研究生院主任的书面批准, cosigned by the Dean of the 研究生 School.
  • Selection of appropriate courses for the Fall, if still needed, can be identified and registered for, as appropriate for each Master’s Program, 再一次得到研究生院主任的批准.


Fall Semester 第二年


  • 课程, 由论文研究指导老师和研究生部主任指导, including electives relevant for student’s research project.
  • 参加研究生课程特定的必修课程,如研讨会、座谈会等.
  • 参加相关的研究生院专业技能研讨会(通常在周六举行), but will be advertised well in advance from the office of Paula Hemphill).
  • Continuing research.
  • Meet with Thesis Committee a second time to review progress in summer research; prepare for that meeting in concert with  your research advisor. Based on the recommendation of progress to date by the Thesis Committee, intent to graduate forms must be prepared, signed by appropriate faculty and administrators, 并在该学年的学历规定的12月截止日期之前送到教务处(每个学年的日历都可以在网上找到)。. Students whose coursework, coursework performance, 和/或研究没有及时进展将制定延迟毕业的时间表. 然而,请注意,助学金资金只承诺24个日历月.


Spring Semester 第二年


  • Continuing research, finding national and regional meetings and other venues for continuing presentation of project results and experimental plans; presentation at the Fisk Annual Research Day in the Spring is expected.
  • 发展 of an 大纲 提交论文,并于二月十五日前提交委员会审阅th, including principal literature sources, and data to be included.
  • Participation in Program-focused seminars/colloquia/activities.
  • Planning for completion of the Master’s degree.